Forthcoming Summer Season

With snowdrops and crocus plants in full flower, Mother’s Day passed, and longer days, spring feels imminent, and the summer doesn’t seem quite so far away.  Planning for the G&A summer season is well underway starting with the appointment of a team of interns who will be helping us to run Green and Away this year.

Each winter Peter, our chair of Trustees and myself as coordinator, advertise, then select and interview candidates to join our internship program. This is the fifth time we have run the programme and each time we are astounded and humbled at the talents and range of experiences of the applicants.  Some of them have packed more into 20 years of life than most 40 year olds and are an inspiration.  They are sure to be the leaders, movers and shakers of the future and we are proud to have them working with us this year.

This season we will be expanding into new areas.  We are hosting The Pantaloons for twoLost on the road to Canterbury outdoor theatre performances and having seen them twice before we can definitely recommend putting the dates into your diaries.  Our smile and laugh muscles hadn’t worked so hard in years when we saw them perform all 40 Canterbury Tales in one evening.  This time they will be performing Sherlock Holmes on 17 July and  A Midsummer Night’s Dream on 11 August.  Tickets available from their website at The Pantaloons and later from our office on site.  We have limited tickets so do book well in advance for performances that will have you laughing and chuckling all the way through and then sending away with a feel good factor of 10 out of 10!


One of our quirky breakout spaces

We are hosting 5 conferences and events this season too.  Details are on our website.  We aren’t quite fully booked so if you are looking for an unusual quirky venue that has a lot to offer, then look at our website page Hiring Green and Away for more information.  Not only are we different, we have a lot to offer including a professional service, beautiful site, home cooked organic food, homemade cakes and bread, charming conference spaces and all at a very reasonable price.

The reason we can offer such good value is that all of the staff are volunteers including our trustees, managers and the coordinator .  They all work for Green and Away because addressing issues around climate change are essential if we are to avert the worst effects scientists are predicting, and we passionately believe that it is time to stop polluting and desecrating our home, the Earth – and because what we do is fun.  The way forward is to build strong communities, support  and respect each other, be adaptable and flexible.  This approach does not bring a smugness from having a low-carbon footprint, instead it gives us something most of us have lost – a sense of belonging and connection to each other and to the earth.  Many people have commented that spending time with us brings a shift in their perception and that there is so much more to business and life than ‘the bottom line’!  Working together in a way that takes account of nature and being in harmony with it is not hard but brings its own gifts of beauty, appreciation and friendship.  We hope more people will come and experience the magic of Green and Away…


We hope we won’t see this much water again in summer 2013

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